Sadly I did not celebrate it this year. Korea isn't exactly a hot spot for the Irish considering it is one of, if not the most ethnically homogeneous country on the planet.
That isn't to say there isn't a lot of drinking and partying on St. Patrick's Day. I'm sure there are hordes of expats in Seoul hitting the bars right now. Even locally, I am sure many teachers are going out and kicking back a few pints.
Drinking has never really been my thing, and even on St. Patrick's Day I've never really drank a lot. Plus, it isn't the same being in Korea instead of with my friends back home who are Irish and take the day very seriously. ^^
Instead, I decided to go to a Korean class that is starting to meet every Wednesday. I'll get to start from scratch and brush up on my Hangeul. 야후!
My classes are going decently. I have a handful of clowns and trouble makers - same as kids back in the states - the ones who think they are 'cool' and speak English in terms of their limited knowledge of "Yo, man!" and "son-of-a-bitch!"
Hats off to their hagwon teachers and/or western movies that have been teaching them...
I read that the US just had daylight savings time go into effect this past weekend. I've posted before that this is something Korea no longer does - and it REALLY is pointless. I don't see why the US doesn't just do away with it...
I've been getting up early enough to see the sunrise out my window these past few days. I've even taken a couple of photos:
Sunrise over Sanbon

"Drinking has never really been my thing..." Are you SURE you're related to Lauren?
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