There was something odd about the doctor though. He asked to shake my hand, and stood really close to me. He started to massage my arm as we shook hands.
"He's taking an interest in me to see if I need his help" I thought.
He next asked how much I weighed, to which I replied "100kg." He spoke to Hwayoung in Korean in an excited tone.
My mental (and absolutely self-fabricated) translation went something like this:
Doctor: 100kg? He's fat!
Hwayoung: He knows he's overweight, but he's lost 10kg in the last few months.
Doctor: 10 kg? Not bad. But maybe I can poke him with needles and make him drink strange medicines made of roots, herbs, and monkey saliva.
Hwayoung: Maybe if he wants. I've been feeding him a lot of different Korean foods on my patented "Korean Girlfriend Diet". I should write a book or open a restaurant!
Doctor: He has no clue what we're saying does he? Ha Ha Ha, silly American!!
As the good Doctor began his treatment, he seemed to stumble about the room. "Was he drunk?"
He had placed his acupuncture pins in his pocket for easy retrieval. He ran his fingers over the dials on the heater he was adjusting. He walked over to me and I looked him in the eyes. He looked at me with one eye, but the other was askew.
"Maybe he has bad eyesight?" I thought. "Then why would he be trusted poking pins into someone's back???"
Midway though the process of making my girlfriend look like a voodoo doll, the two of them chatted away in Korean and eventually he asked if I wanted to have some acupuncture as well. I wasn't about to let this man touch me, as I didn't trust him. There was still something odd that I couldn't positively confirm - but I had a feeling...
After the acupuncture, the Doctor started his massage therapy. He bent limbs, twisted her body, pulled and pushed on her muscles. I practically watched his man mount and feel up my girlfriend in front of my eyes -- but in a professional way of course. It looked rather painful, and tears came to her eyes. Later she would tell me that it is very painful for one day, but worth the relief for the following week.
As the session wrapped up, and Hwayoung was paying the bill the Doctor asked us if he could treat us to lunch, which we agreed. He flipped open a book....and then it all made sense.
The book was written in braille. The Doctor was completely blind.
I looked at Hwayoung and made some obvious attempt as sign language to ask if he was completely blind. "Oh, I didn't tell you? I thought I did!" (she never did).
As I later discovered, he had been blind since he was 5 years old. His wife is also blind. Hwayoung, explained to me that blind oriental doctors are considered to have a special talent for healing, as they have a heightened awareness of sickness and discomfort that they can sense by touch. Apparently this is fairly common. An interesting theory, but I'm not sure if I would be comfortable if this man was a surgeon!
This Sunday marked our 100 days anniversary as well. With the younger generations in Asian cultures, this is becoming a popular thing to celebrate. Also popular is 200, 300, 1000, days as well as annual anniversaries as well.
I wanted to make a good first impression, so I did some planning. We were going to get "couple massages" at the famous Dragon Hill Spa in Yongsan. You can get massages locally for cheap, but I wanted to treat her. Turns out that you can't just get a massage, you have to pay entry fees as well which makes the prices outrageous. Hwayoung wasn't happy with the customer service people. We didn't want to pay the same amount of money to spend the whole day there. We just wanted the massage part. They denied us that option, so she decided that she didn't want to stay there, and would look for another place.
A friend of hers also wanted to say hello, so we met up with her at a popular mall and shopped together. The three of us were hoping to see Avatar at the IMAX, but the tickets sold out quickly, and have been sold out for a while. It is a very popular film and tickets are very hard to get. Instead, we headed to Gangnam to find another spa, or maybe see a movie at a different theater. I had made plans to bring her to a fancy Turkish restaurant called Pasha (we like to try different foods), but we had the chance to get last minute movie tickets that started at dinner time. Not wanting to eat at 9pm, we had a quick bite to eat at a small Chinese restaurant before the movie.
At the theater we watched the movie "Nine". It wasn't that great of a film, and I don't really recommend it unless you really, really, really like films like "Moulin Rouge" and "Chicago". I'm willing to bet the Broadway show is 100 times better than the film.
All my plans for a romantic day had failed. The massage turned out to be a no-go. The day was interrupted by her friends visit, the fancy dinner was a flop due to timing, and the movie was a bomb.
I did have one more fool proof thing planned...
Later that night, I surprised Hwayoung with a gift. She loved it!
I told her of my plans for the day, and she felt awful that they didn't work out, but through her happy tears, she told me that I've been the best boyfriend ever, and how much I mean to her.
Yeah.... it was a great day.
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