Saturday, May 22, 2010

"Let's Get Physical"

My middle school recently held Sports Day - the equivalent of American schools' Field Day.

In Korea, Sports Days are held at every school as if they were professionally organized. There were tents set up for the kids to rest in the shade, water and snack locations, and the events were very well planned. The homerooms dress-up in team outfits that they purchase from retailers who specialize in team uniforms.


As for the events, my favorite was the jump rope contest. Each homeroom per grade competes against the others. The jump rope contest is a timed event in which each kid individually jumps over a rope spun by two students. If a student fails to jump over, they have to go back to the end of the line until they complete it. Next, 2 students have to jump the rope together...then 3...and then 4. The times of each round are averaged and the lowest time is the winning homeroom. It was rather enjoyable to watch four students hold hands and jump, only to have one trip and force all four to try again.

The students also competed in relay races, tug of war, and the third grade boys compete in a popular soccer game.


This is the 3rd grade class president - he's also a big fan of me and calls me "brother". 
He's a good kid.

Unfortunately, my camera battery was drained from the weekend, and I forgot to recharge it. I did capture a bunch of photo's in the morning and complied them into a video.


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