First of all, welcome to my blog!
As you may or may not know, I've decided to teach English in South Korea, and am going to be posting stories, pictures and videos up on the great World Wide Web in order to share my experiences with you. Technology sure can make the world feel just a little bit smaller!
So to get things started, I think I will just give you a brief oversight into why I decided to travel halfway across the world. Maybe a Q&A section is in need...
Q. Why do you want to do this?
A. When I was in college, I was envious of those students who got to travel during the summer instead of work jobs, or those who could take a semester abroad to study. I didn't have that luxury financially, and I was taking full course loads so I could graduate on time (no thanks to losing transfer credits from Eastern CT State University). After graduating from Sacred Heart University and later gaining my teacher certification, I still had that urge to go abroad and even looked into teaching at American Schools with the Dept. of Defense (you needed to have at least 3 years of full-time teaching experience though). I've always had that urge to see the world and experience a new culture, and at this point in my life, it seems like an excellent opportunity that I might not have in the future when I have more responsibilities.
Q. How did you find out about this opportunity?
A. I did a lot of research, talked to a lot of strangers online (I don't recommend this for you kids out there), and discussed it with people who I knew who have lived or taught in Korea and elsewhere. I also went through a recommend recruiter at WorknPlay Consulting
Q. Why South Korea?
A. Frankly, it comes down to economic reasons. East Asia in general has the most jobs. Granted, I would love to be spending my time in Europe but I most likely wouldn't be making any money. South Korea is a fairly westernized country with a huge want and need for native English speakers who have graduated from a higher ed. institution and are willing to move across the world to teach their children. Lucky for them I have those qualifications! (plus more, as most people who take these jobs tend to do so right out of college with no teaching experience).
Q. Wait, what about that crazy NORTH Korea and their nuclear aims? Aren't you scared something could happen or war could break out again?
A. To be honest, it'll always be in the back of my mind, but it's not something to fixate on. There has been relative peace between the countries since the armistice was signed on July 27, 1953 - yes back when my Mom was born (sorry Mom if that makes you feel old). I doubt that anything is going to happen in the year I'm there. North Korea is like Bill O'Reilly, it does a lot of screaming, threatening, and gets all moody, but it's basically full of it. It's not something to dwell on, but I will be keeping up with the news. Also, there is a large US military presence in the area. Americans with guns in other countries make me feel safe. It's the Americans with guns in the States that makes me uneasy!
Q. Ok, you're making sense, and I agree you should do it! How long are you going for?
A. Generally, the contracts are for a year.
Q. How will you live out there?
A. No, I won't be living in a hut in a village. This is a country with the 8th largest economy in the world. The program I'm going to be working through (GEPIK- Gyeonggi English Program In Korea which is part of the Center for Global Education) sets you up with an apartment near the school rent free. (one of the many perks)
Q. Ok cool, so don't you need to know Korean to teach these kids?
A. Not really. In fact, they don't want you to really be bi-lingual with the kids because they want you to provide an immersion experience into American language and life. Once my students set foot in the classroom it is English only (for the most part - I still think there will be issues). Also, in the GEPIK program, you teach with a Korean co-teacher who supposedly can speak English as well (at least a little). It's not an easy language to learn, but I'm going to try to learn as much as I can in order to get by without having to play charades with every street vendor and waitress.
Q. Sweet! Do they pay you?
A. Yes, and the pay varies depending on your qualifications. (usually between 1.8-2.7 million won a month. (roughly $1,400-$2,100) They also reimburse your airfare, pay for your return trip upon completion of your contract, and you get about 2 weeks off throughout the year plus major Korean holidays.
Q. Do you have Benefits?
A. The public school system partakes in the National Health Insurance plan of which I would pay 50%. I will also be partaking in the National Pension Plan (which I get refunded) and do not have to pay income tax. A 'benefit' is also that the cost of living is relatively low (not having to pay rent helps) but also the cost of food and utilities is relatively cheap in comparison to the States. I believe the tax rate is only 3%.
Q. Won't you miss your friends and family? Holidays?
A. Of course I will! But think of it this way - some of you I haven't even seen in over a year anyways, but thanks to the internet we still keep in touch. A year goes by fairly fast! I don't think I'll be home for any holidays at this point, but who knows.
Q. So how will you get around?
A. Since I will be right outside of Seoul, most of the major areas are accessible by a rather intricate subway/rail system. Also there are many bus lines (which I'm used to after riding RIPTA for years). Korea is known to have one of the better, cleaner, and safer public transportation systems in the world.
Q. What are you going to do about money, I hear the exchange rate isn't that great?
A. True, the exchange rate fluctuates daily, but keep in mind I will be getting paid in Korean Won and will be spending my hard earned cash in Korea. I will have a Korean Bank Account. If you want to know how to send me money once I'm there, I'm all for it!
Q. Will you be bringing home a Korean bride?
A. I don't understand why 50% of the time people ask this! But I feel as though I need to address it. Yes, I am. In fact, I was looking into mail-order brides, but decided to skip the shipping and handling charges and go right to the factory instead so I could customize what I want her to look like. (if you didn't get my sarcasm please disregard that last part) NO, that's not my reason for going! Then again....... just kidding!
This is about experiencing a new culture. It's about self-growth. As someone who was a student of history and culture, I would be a fool not to experience the world for what it has to offer. I'm looking forward to this as an adventure and a life changing experience, and I can't wait to share it with all of you!
KMK: Kpop Kaos American Gal Gone Wrong
2 days ago
I'm so excited for you Nick =) I'm definitely going to miss you though. Do you know when you leave? We must we must we must hang out lots before you leave!!
Thanks for sharing, Nick. We love you, pray for you, and look forward to reading about your adventures!
Love, Aunt Thecla
Great job on the blog. You did your homework well on this one. I wonder how many of us would have had the courage to take the same step. I think you're going to make a lot of new friends out there and end up having a great time. Enjoy. And if there is anything you need, remember, we're ony a phone call or mouse click away.
Now, to clarify your historical was BECAUSE your mom was born in 1953 that they signed the armistice. Her first words were, "Don't make me come out there!"
감사합니다. [gahm-sah-hahm-ni-da]. That's "thank you".
Mike R.
Hi there Nick,
I haven't worked at Brown very long, and don't know you that well, but I wanted to let you know that I think what you are doing is really wonderful. It takes a lot of guts to make such a major move in one's life (both literally and figuratively), and your thoughtful and funny blog posts make me look forward to following your adventures in the future!
did i read incorrectly or did you address s korea as part of southeast asia? haven't we had this discussion and decided that i am (as usual) right? ;)
your lonely coworker,
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