Around lunch time a cute little 3rd grader who is the editor of the school paper asked if she could interview me. Her English was pretty decent, and apparently she is one of the schools top students. I also got my ARC card (Alien Registration Card), so I could now get a debit/cash card from Woori Bank. After school I went down to the bank and got the card, which is great now that I don't have to carry so much cash with me and can now get a cell phone. I also got my reimbursement for my airfare $1.1 million won! Who wants to me a millionaire??? - Not me, I already am!
I think I might be getting sick though, either that or those damn seasonal allergies are kicking in. It's a good thing I stopped by Kim's Club and picked up some OJ!
it's swine flu....
Only in South Korea do you get paid millions for teaching!! ~Maureen
Getting sick! Only one remedy. A nice BIG bowl of soup and a double order of Kimchi.
I'm going to kill you Mike.... (at Mexican Train that is)
Congrats on successfully getting through your first day =) YAAAYYY!!
Nice sentiment Nick! OK. Have "Enjoy the Warmth" send you a ham sandwich then.
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