First of all, I think it is great that the DPRK has finally pardoned and released the two female journalists Laura Ling and Euna Lee. They had been found guilty of entering North Korea's borders illegally in March and sentenced to 12 years in a labor camp. Fortunately, former President Bill Clinton ran into a phone booth, exited as Superman, and flew to their rescue to quickly exchange for their release home. The DPRK has had the state run North Korean News Agency declare that this shows the "humanitarian and peace-loving policy" of the DPRK. (bullsh*t) You can read more about it all here if you don't know the news already.
On the lighter side:
I've gotten to actually enjoy some K-Pop that I'm actually willing to post some more videos of some decent groups. However, as much as I still think Japanese Pop (J-Pop) is a little better, K-Pop is slowly giving it a run for it's money.
I love the Lollipop one!1
LOL.. I love the Lollipop one too.. Its great on so many levels..
Lollipop reminds me of a commercial for either ITunes or the color laptops
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