Futbol - er, soccer... is probably the most popular sport in the world, and Korea is no exception. Personally, I, (like many Americans) are not too fond of the game. To put it bluntly, we find it pretty boring. A bunch of guys passing a ball and running around for 90 minutes does not really keep my attention for long. That, in combination with the low scoring among other aspects, tends to make me yawn slightly.
I'm not saying soccer players have no ability, they are really good athletes. For more on this, you should watch the Colbert Report's debate:
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Sport Report - Soccer Debate - Marc Fisher & Mark Starr | ||||
I was actually pretty excited to watch the game. Korea took on Greece in the first round, and was expected to win, but Korea is not ranked too high. It will be a big shocker if they win the World Cup in the end. Korea ended up dominating and defeating Greece 2-0.

I figured while in Korea, I should root for them to win, as I could care less if the USA wins due to the lack of fanatism of the sport in our country. I never paid any attention in the past - why bother now.
We wore our red shirts (Korea's team color) and headed off to our friend Minyoung's restaurant in Hongdae called "Under The Stairs" and for $25 enjoyed an "all you can eat/drink" party with a bunch of people. The food is excellent and the drinks were flowing. It was a great evening, the game was pretty exciting, and the company was wonderful.
I figured while in Korea, I should root for them to win, as I could care less if the USA wins due to the lack of fanatism of the sport in our country. I never paid any attention in the past - why bother now.
We wore our red shirts (Korea's team color) and headed off to our friend Minyoung's restaurant in Hongdae called "Under The Stairs" and for $25 enjoyed an "all you can eat/drink" party with a bunch of people. The food is excellent and the drinks were flowing. It was a great evening, the game was pretty exciting, and the company was wonderful.
Here's a brief recap of the game (sorry it's not in English)
대한민국! Dae-Han-Min-Gook! (Korea!)
Rock paper scissors bottle-caps. The bottles come with drinking games - I love it!

We were going to go to City Hall and watch the game, as they set up a big screen, but due to the rain, we nixed that idea as we didn't want to be sloshing around in the mud, or be trampled by the crowds.
I'm kind of happy we didn't go after I discovered that 47,000 people crammed into the plaza to see the game.
Up next: Korea vs. Argentina. Good luck Red Devils aka Taeguk Warriors!
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