Monday, February 1, 2010

"In The Midnight Hour"

It's been a relaxing week. Since this was my last week of vacation, I decided to spend most of it lounging about. Sometimes it is enjoyable to be lazy.

By the way - here is a pic I forgot to upload about Japan. This is what I started out with.

I ended up with just the book, some change, and a stuffed backpack with gifts!


This weekend Hwayoung was away with her family for her mother's birthday.  I couldn't resist the opportunity when a group of friends invited me to go bowling in Hongdae (and to prove we're not attached at the hip).

On the way to the lanes, my friend Ashley was accosted in broad daylight by a rather peculiar Korean man (we couldn't decide if he was drunk or "special" - or a mixture of the two). He grabbed her arm and pressed his body against hers and wasn't letting go. People starred in shock as this happened, and nobody seemed to be doing anything. Ashley was stunned, and people walking about just starred. I quickly pushed him aside and put myself between the two of them. He then grabbed me and looked at Ashley with a surprised face and said... "Adjuma?" (which is a word for "older married woman"). As I pushed him aside, I waved to him and said "Goodbye!" and told Ashley to keep walking.

Ah, Korea!

But in the long run it turned out to be a fun story and an ongoing joke.  As we continued to the lanes we kept poking fun at her. "Hey Ashley, remember that time that you were assaulted by a crazy guy who thought you were an old woman?"
At the lanes we played boys vs. girls (and totally massacred them!) It felt good to boost the male ego by beating a bunch of girls, so of course we had to celebrate. We treated ourselves to pizza, and then a quick stop to a bar for the celebratory bottle of tequila. It was neither a quick stop, nor did we stop at just a bottle.


2 bars later, 3 plates of fried food, an ungodly amount of soju, and 6 hours later, we were all trashed and caught the trains home. The hangover was not fun. Good thing I wasn't meeting Hwayoung until later in the afternoon.

We got to see Sherlock Holmes. It was very well done. The action was great, the storyline was good, and the mystery was interesting. However, I am very good at predicting movies, (this one wasn't easy), but in the first 30 minutes of the film, I had already decided that they were setting up the audience for a sequel.

I totally recommend watching it if you want a good action/adventure movie.

As for work, I was supposed to start today, however only 2 teachers were in the building, the heat was off, and the internet was spotty. I figured I wouldn't be missed and scampered out of there before lunch. Who knows, maybe I wasn't even supposed to be back today. The information I get from my head teacher is never reliable and she rarely remembers what she tells me. Sometimes I think her memory is worse than that of a ball of lint.

Oh, and just for fun:

This is the mandu I pick up near Hwayoungs whenever I get a chance. It's 5000 won for a dozen and they're huge.  You can get kimchi filled or pork filled. Both are amazing. I could live off them for life.

Be sure to keep checking out the "It's All News to Me" links in the sidebar. Some of that stuff is interesting!

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